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We want all residents to have full and equal access to all library resources. But when it comes to eBooks and audiobooks, things are more complicated. Learn more here.


Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need an internet connection?

Only to browse the catalog and download eBooks and audiobooks. You do not need a connection to read or listen to eContent.

What happens when a title expires?

The titles will automatically return themselves, no action is needed on your part.

What if I don't finish my book?

The app will remember your place. Simply check out the title again to resume reading. Your settings controls how many past titles are remembered.

Can I renew a book?

Yes. If there are no holds on the title, you can renew two days before it is due. Simply tap on the cover for your details, and tap Renew Loan, the the title will be renewed.

Can I return a book early?

Yes. Tap the cover, then tap Return Title to Library, and confirm by tapping Return.

Can I borrow a Kindle Book?

To read Kindle Books you have to use the Kindle app and go through your Amazon account. For more information, please see the OverDrive page on borrowing Kindle Books.

Do I need an OverDrive account?

You can sign in and read books using just your library card and pin; an OverDrive account is not required. If you would like to use an OverDrive account, it will automatically load any saved settings or configurations ot additional devices you use OverDrive on.



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If you find an item you want to borrow, just make a request and it'll be delivered to your home library in a few days.