🌞 The weather was gorgeous on Tuesday morning for the groundbreaking of @fitchburg_public_library_ma `s construction project! Congratulations, Fitchburg, for your tremendous dedication to this exciting new #library building--we look forward to seeing you again at the grand opening 😊
🔗 For more info about the project and ceremony: https://mblc.state.ma.us/news/news-releases/2024/nr241009.php
📷Pictured: State and local officials broke ground with ceremonial toss of gravel and dirt in front of Fitchburg Public Library`s Wallace Building that will be renovated.
⭐From L to R: Congresswoman Lori Trahan, Campaign Steering Committee Co-Chair Sharon Bernard, MBLC Commissioner George Comeau, Fitchburg Public Library Director Deb Hinkle, Fitchburg Mayor Samantha Squailia, State Rep. Michael Kushmerek, State Senator John Cronin, and Building Committee Co-Chair Matt Bruun.
#libraryconstruction #fitchburgma #librarybuilding #librarylove #librarybuildingproject #malibrary #malibraries #massachusettslibraries #librariesinma #sustainablelibrary #greenlibrarybuilding #librarybuildingproject #librarybuildingconstruction