eBooks and Audiobooks

Borrow eBooks and eAudio instantly using your library card – and now with LEA (Library eBooks and Audiobooks), Massachusetts library users can borrow from a statewide collection of more than 1 million items, thanks to an innovative collaboration from eight participating library networks.

Step 1

Install the Libby App from your device’s app store, or visit on the web.

Libby logo

Step 2

In the app or your web browser, follow the prompts to find your library and sign in with a valid library card.  (Don’t have a card yet? Get one right now!)
Screenshot from Libby app setup, "Welcome! Thousands of public libraries offer ebooks and audiobooks (for free!) in Libby. Let me ask you a few questions, to guide you to your library. First question: do you have a library card?" Buttons reading yes and not yet

Step 3

Browse your library’s collection and borrow a title.
Screenshot from Libby app, borrowing an eBook of "All Creatures Great and Small" by James Herriot from the Boston Public Library for 14 days

That’s it!

But – if you don’t see the title you’re looking for, you can use your library card to sign in to another Library Network and find it there.
List of networks: CLAMS, CW MARS, Merrimack Valley Library Consortium, Minuteman Library Network, NOBLE: North of Boston Library Exchange, Old Colony Library Network, SAILS Library Network