
Unless noted, all resources here are free to Massachusetts residents. Your local library, or the local library of the municipality where your ancestors resided, may have additional resources available. Some resources may require an in person visit, such as old newspapers, town histories, cemetery records, or even other online subscriptions.

No Library Card Necessary

Genealogical records and historical sources dating back to the 1700s

Explore historical collections from libraries, museums, and archives across Massachusetts

Search through a digitized archive of newspaper issues from around the world.

Library for the Commonwealth (with a Boston Public Library eCard)

One of the largest, most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind. It provides access to billions of historical documents, photos, newspapers, and more. BPL eCard required.

Access the historical archive of the Boston Globe Morning Edition, from 1872-1992. BPL eCard required.

Searchable full-page and article reproductions back to the first issue of the New York Times on Sept 18, 1851. BPL eCard required.

Searchable full-page reproductions of historical newspapers, some of which were made from the collections of the Boston Public Library. BPL eCard required.