Mindful Mondays: Mindfulness and Meditation Classes

Library : Maynard Public Library

Location : Online

Start : Monday 16th of September 2024 12:30 PM

End : Monday 16th of September 2024 1:00 PM

Description :

Virtual. Click here to register for one or all of the five sessions. Participants are welcome to find a quiet, comfortable space to relax and join mindfulness teacher, Lauren, for a calming Monday lunch break meditation. Classes are held virtually via Zoom on Monday, August 19, 26, and September 16, 23, 30 at 12:30-1:00 pm. Practice clearing your mind, being in the present moment and reducing stress in these 30-minute mindfulness meditation classes. You will learn how to practice daily mindfulness and calm your mind and body with meditation. Participants will be introduced, and guided through, a different type of meditation each class.  This week's class theme:  Nervous System Relaxation maynardpubliclibrary.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/mindful-mondays-mindfulness-and-meditation-classes-5/
