Pop-Up Teen Space!

Library : Belmont Public Library

Location : Multipurpose Room, Beech Street Center 266 Beech Street, Belmont, MA, 02478

Start : Wednesday 18th of September 2024 2:45 PM

End : Wednesday 18th of September 2024 4:30 PM

Description :

Teens of Belmont! Do you need a group study spot? Are you looking to procrastinate with a crafty activity or game? Have you seen the big hole at 336 Concord and wondered, "How do I find books now?" Drop in to our Pop-Up Study N' Procrastinate space! The YA Librarian will be on hand, to answer your questions and celebrate snacks. SNACKS. Questions? Email askbelmontya@minlib.net. belmontpubliclibrary.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/pop-up-teen-space-5/
