$avvy $eniors Fraud & Identity Theft Awareness

Library : Leicester Public Library

Location : Community Meeting Room Leicester Public Library, 1136 MAIN STREET, LEICESTER, MA, 01524

Start : Wednesday 15th of January 2025 10:00 AM

End : Wednesday 15th of January 2025 11:00 AM

Description :

A representative from the Massachusetts Office of the Attorney General’s Community Engagement Division will share a presentation on the “$avvy $enior,” which will provide an overview of the most common current forms of online, mail, in-person and other scams and how to avoid them; how to prevent identify theft (and steps to take if you experience it); and how to contact the AGO's Elder Hotline. More information about the MA Attorney General’s office can be found at Mass.gov/ago. Free, no registration required.  Coffee and donuts provided by the Friends of the Library. leicesterma.assabetinteractive.com/calendar/avvy-eniors-fraud-identity-theft-awareness/
